Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Day Four - Mid Winter

David and Peter were working hard in the garden when I arrived.  Queenie was being kept inside because snail bait had been laid.  Everything is being geared towards the opening of the garden in August.

The lawn is beautifully clipped.  The paths are being cleared.  Everywhere you look is green.

Interspersed with the green are bright bursts of colour from the primulas, rainbow blooms in the green.  

A myriad of terracotta pots also lend their own colour, dotted through out the garden.

Many of the trees are still bare of course.  It will some time yet before they will be in leaf.  In the meantime their limbs cast slim shadows before them.

One pot filled with water, reflected the naked branches of the tree above.  It reminded me of a Chinese painting.

I lay on my stomach to photograph the scree at the front of the house.  It is a different world, a world in miniature, where tiny plants scramble along the pebbles.  

